Investment solutions you can trust.

If you’re thinking of borrowing to invest, the CommSec Margin Loan provides you access to borrowed funds through our entire feature packed investment platforms, including the CommSec Mobile App, meaning you can access your loan anywhere anytime. With experience providing Margin Loans since 1999, our Margin Loan has continually evolved to meet our customer’s needs.

Our Margin Loan provides you with sophisticated online tools to help you maximise and manage your investments, including real time loan prices and gearing ratios, hypothetical transactions simulator, cash and share transfers, fixed loan applications, credit limit and linked bank account management, plus get access to rewards when you hold a diversified portfolio.

On top of this, you get access to research, alerts, watchlists, trading & conditional trading.

With no minimum loan balance obligations and easy online application process, benefit from our experience and be ready for that next investment opportunity by applying for a CommSec Margin Loan today.

Products you can invest in with this account

Australian shares

Invest in companies listed on the ASX, with brokerage from as low as $10.001 per trade. We offer free research, live quotes and trading tools to help you invest with confidence. 

View the list of Accepted Shares

Managed funds

Investing in a managed fund gives you access to a professionally-managed investment portfolio. Choose funds across asset classes - such as cash, property or shares - that suit your investment objectives. 

View the list of accepted Managed Funds

Platforms, Portfolio Services & Wraps

These adminstration services allow you to access a variety of investment products with different providers, via one consolidated service.

Exchange-Traded Options

Options can complement your portfolio and can be used to limit risk or generate income, depending on your approach. They also provide investment strategies not available through direct share ownership.  

Exchange-Traded Funds

Exchange Traded Funds are funds that trade on a stock exchange like ordinary shares. They combine the investment advantages of managed funds with the ease and cost-effectiveness of share trading.

Margin Lending - Wholesale Loan

CBA Geared Investments offer investment loans to wholesale customers who meet the eligibility criteria*. 

With a minimum credit limit of $1,000,000, the CBA Geared Investments Wholesale Loan has the following features:

  • Fast and simple application process. In most circumstances, no financials are required for credit limits under $5m. In some circumstances (such as concentrated security), we may require additional information.

  • Enhanced LVR model for diversified portfolios

  • Enhanced bonus stock lending model

  • Tailored rates for wholesale clients

  • Dedicated Relationship Managers

As a specialist in the investment lending space, the CBA Geared Investments team knows that some loans do not fit the standard template. We can tailor our loans to better fit our customers with:

  • Single stock or concentrated positions

  • Bespoke or individual LVRs on securities

  • High credit limits 

Where credit limits are above $5m, or bespoke arrangements are required, a credit assessment will be required, including a financial assessment.

Wholesale approved securities and Wholesale Investment Loan Application forms can be found on our Geared Investments Forms page.


How it works

Once you have established a CommSec Margin Loan, you transfer your existing shares, managed funds or cash into it as collateral. We calculate the lending value, which determines how much you can borrow. You can then use your available funds to make investments, which combine with your original collateral to form your overall portfolio.

  • You can buy, sell, transfer cash within your loan’s approved limits.
  • Your gearing level moves with the daily price movements of your portfolio and your transactions.
  • You must monitor your gearing level to ensure it stays below the approved limits.
  • Interest is calculated daily on your loan balance, and paid according to your loan arrangement.

Rates and fees

Paid Yearly in Advance

Paid Monthly in Arrears

Variable Rate


9.40% p.a.

1 Year Fixed Rate

8.49% p.a.

8.54% p.a.

2 Year Fixed Rate

8.64% p.a.

8.69% p.a.

3 Year Fixed Rate

8.74% p.a.

8.79% p.a.

5 Year Fixed Rate

8.99% p.a.

9.04% p.a.

Interest Rates are subject to change without notice. All rates are indicative only. For a complete list of potential fees and charges that may apply to your account, please visit the Rates and Fees section of the CommSec website here. Fees and charges are subject to change without notice. 

Type of Application Fee

Fee Amount

Application fee for individual and company applicants


Trust deed investigation fee

minimum $200

Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR) Registration Fee (Government fee payable when the Security Interest is registered, or registration is amended)

Amount of government fee (if applicable)

Account Maintenance Fee Type

Fee Amount

Account Keeping Fee


Printing and postage of contract notes (Electronic contract notes are free of charge)


Dishonour Fee


Rebooking Fee


Off Market Transfer Fee


Government tax or duty

Government tax or duty

Account Closure Fee Type

Fee Amount

Early repayment adjustment and administrative fee on fixed rate loans

Depends on amount of loan and interest rate movements

Who can apply?

You can apply for a Margin Loan if you are:

  • 18 years or older and an Australian permanent resident; or
  • An Australian registered or incorporated company; or
  • An Australian trust2; and
  • Able to demonstrate the ability to meet existing commitments, including living and borrowing expenses; and
  • Applying for a minimum credit limit of $20,000; and
  • Earn a minimum gross income of $50,000 per annum.

What you’ll need if you’re new to CommSec:

  • ID (e.g. driver’s licence or passport)
  • Company details and Australian Company Number (ACN)
  • Certified copy of the Trust Deed (if applicable)
  • Supporting financial documents

Get started

Ready to boost your investment power? Open a CommSec Margin Lending Account

Trade and invest with borrowed funds from $5.00

Australians have been borrowing to invest into property and enjoying access to an asset that would have been otherwise beyond their reach. Similarly, a margin loan enables you greater access to more liquid assets such as shares and managed funds; giving you the potential to grow and diversify your portfolio.

Frequently asked questions

The three most common forms of collateral used in margin loans are listed securities (otherwise known as 'shares' or 'equities'), managed funds and cash.

The type of securities you have and their composition in your portfolio will determine how much you can borrow. The amount you can borrow relative to the value of your investments is known as the Loan to Value Ratio (LVR). The LVRs and borrowing limits of each accepted equity are set out in our approved security lists. These may change at our discretion.

To reduce your loan and increase borrowing power, transfer cash into your margin loan. Alternatively keep cash in your Commonwealth Direct Investment Account and lodge it as security on your loan.

If you don't currently have a CommSec Margin Loan, join now and complete the refinancing section of the application. If you already have a CommSec Margin Loan, complete and return the Refinance Request Form

You will need to attach a copy of your existing margin loan statement and ensure you have a sufficident credit limit on your CommSec Margin Loan.

Lending ratios on approved securities may be different to other providers, so check our approved security lists, or use the WhatIf Portfolio Simulator when you login to your CommSec Margin Loan.

To find out more, contact us on 13 17 09 from 8am to 6pm AEST, Monday to Friday.

Before you start, make sure your name and address matches the details you provided for your CommSec Margin Loan exactly. If they don't match, refer to option 4 below.

  • Option 1: Transfer from an existing CommSec account 

If you wish to transfer stock to your margin loan from an existing CommSec trading account, navigate to the Transfers page  on your Margin Loan and select Transfer Shares From another CommSec Account to my Margin Loan. Or you can call us on 13 17 09 between 8am and 6pm AEST, Monday to Friday.

  • Option 2: Transfer from another broker

If you wish to transfer stock from an external broker, please complete and sign the Broker to Broker Transfer Form and return to us for processing.

  • Option 3: Transfer Issuer Sponsored Stock 

To transfer Issuer Sponsored stock, navigate to the Transfers page  on your Margin Loan and select Transfer Shares From an Issuer Sponsored holding  to my Margin Loan, or provide us with a signed written request and your latest holding or dividend statement.

  • Option 4: Transfer Issuer or CHESS (Broker) Sponsored Stock in another name 

To transfer stock to a CommSec Margin Loan that isn't registered in your name, you have two options:

1. Complete an Off Market Transfer Form to change the name of your registered stock to the name on your CommSec Margin Loan. A fee of $54 per Off Market Transfer applies.

2. Establish a third-party mortgagor for your loan, where security is held on a separate trading account but still considered part of your loan collateral. To request this option, contact us on 13 17 09 between 8am and 6pm AEST, Monday to Friday.

Forms can be returned by post as indicated, or emailed to Most transfers take between 24–48 hours.

Once the transfer is complete, you may need to update the share registry with your new dividend and communication details. This is usually required whenever you are transferring stock to a new HIN.

To transfer existing managed funds, complete a Standard Transfer Form and include one of the following:

  • An original, completed New Managed Fund Application Form. 
  • A copy of a recent holding statement.

Post the original form and supporting documents to the address on the form.

Every investment involves some level of risk. A CommSec Margin Loan is a powerful tool that boosts your investment potential, multiplying the effect of price movements on your initial capital.

The key risks of margin lending are as follows:

  • Adverse market conditions may result in a reduction in your portfolio value, which can increase your gearing level and trigger a margin call.
  • We may reduce or remove the LVR applied to some or all of your investments or to your whole portfolio at any time, which may result in a margin call. 
  • The variable interest rate may increase and result in higher interest costs, which may exceed the portfolio’s return. 
  • Margin calls may require investments to be sold by you or us quickly at unfavourable prices, or may trigger unwanted capital gains if you are unprepared. 
  • Tax legislation or marginal tax rates may change and have an adverse impact on your tax position.
  • Default events or enforcement events may occur, the consequences of which may include all amounts owing becoming immediately payable. Refer to the PDS for details on default events. 
  • Your financial situation may materially change, adversely affecting your margin loan.
  • Adverse market and/or stock-specific conditions may result in the value of your security being insufficient to repay your loan.

Although margin calls are a potential risk, they can also provide you with important performance indicators. Unlike investing with your own cash or unsecured funds, investing with a margin loan gives you the opportunity to view key  indicators and provides notification to take action.

This means you can closely monitor the performance of your investments and quickly identify underperforming assets, so you can liquidate them before any further losses are incurred.

If a margin call does occur, you are required to reduce your gearing level by either:

  • reducing your loan balance; or 
  • increasing the level of equity in your loan. 

Just as you can top up your margin loan with extra cash when a margin call occurs, you can withdraw surplus cash when your portfolio is performing strongly—if your gearing levels and credit limit permits. If you don’t have surplus cash to adjust your gearing levels when required, you may be required to sell some of your securities at a less than preferred price.

Equities and managed funds can fluctuate in price from day to day, which means some investments may offer a better return than others. You can easily manage any risks and avoid margin calls by considering these 10 tips:

1. Stay disciplined

A disciplined approach can help you make better investment decisions. Before you start, determine how much you can borrow; the amount of capital you are willing to commit; your trading strategy; which industry and assets you will invest in; and entry and exit prices.

2. Research

When you purchase stock, you become a part-owner of a business. Research the financial health of these businesses and any inherant risks using our comprehensive research tools and analyst reports. 

3. Stagger your entry into the market 

You can reduce the risk of incorrectly timing the market by using dollar cost averaging—investing the same dollar amount on a regular basis. You can automate this with a regular gearing plan (managed funds) or conditional orders and price alerts (shares).

4. Diversify 

Reduce the risk of individual stock price movements or LVR changes by spreading your investment across different companies, assets and industries. This means if one investment falls in value, it may be offset by a rise in the value of another.

When you have five or more accepted securities, you can also take advantage of CommSec Portfolio LVR to create an additional buffer and access bonus stocks.

5. Borrow less

Only using part of your total borrowing capacity to invest will help protect you against margin calls triggered by a price drop.

6. Watch your cash flow 

Make sure you can cover any interest repayments and consider reinvesting income from dividends back into your margin loan, to offset interest costs and reduce the principal loan. Pay your interest through a bank account rather than capitalising to the loan — capitalised interest will increase your loan and result in higher interest expenses over time.

7. Fix your interest rate

Transfer part or your entire loan to a fixed rate for a selected term, to eliminate the risk of rising interest expenses.

8. Monitor your investments 

CommSec offers a suite of tools to help you monitor your portfolio and loan status. You can use price alerts to notify you when a stock has reached a pre-determined price, or set conditional orders to create an automated stop-loss order instructions.

9. Protect yourself with Options 

Exchange Traded Options can allow you to keep your existing shares over periods of market uncertainty, while protecting you against losses from falling share prices.

10. Take action early 

If you notice your gearing is getting too high and has approached or reached your buffer, take action before a margin call is triggered.

Once your CommSec Margin Loan is established, a new account number starting with '7' will appear on your account summary page. Follow these steps to get started:

  • Transfer existing shares or managed funds into your margin loan, or use our online funds transfer request to transfer cash from your nominated bank account.
  • How much you can borrow will be determined by factors such as the Loan to Value Ratio (LVR) of your existing securities; the LVR of new investments; and your credit limit. If you have a CommSec Margin Loan Trading Account, you can use the WhatIf Portfolio Simulator to help manage risk.
  • To buy shares, simply place an order via the CommSec website or mobile app. You can also place an order by speaking to a CommSec Account Manager on 13 17 09. To invest in managed funds, you will need to complete a new application and/or an additional investment form.
  • You can choose to have interest taken from your bank account, or capitalised onto the loan. By default, your loan will be set to variable interest paid monthly in arrears, but you can fix all or part of your loan balance and choose to pay in advance or arrears.

Financial Services Guide

The Financial Services Guide ("FSG") provides information about Commonwealth Securities to help you decide whether to use the financial services we offer.

Product Disclosure Statement

This document outlines how the product operates; overview, benefits, risks and complete costs. It also provides details about the application process and next steps.

Download the Product Disclosure Statement

Other Forms & Brochures

For all other forms & brochures regarding other financial services we offer.

Important Information

1 To be eligible, you must trade online, be CHESS Participant Sponsored with CommSec and settle your trades through either a Commonwealth Direct Investment Account (CDIA) or a CommSec Margin Loan.

2 Self Managed Super Funds are ineligible for a Margin Loan.

While borrowing to invest can multiply your investment returns, it may also multiply your losses if the value of your investment falls. Margin Loans involve risk—see the CommSec Margin Lending Risk Disclosure Statement

CommSec Margin Lending facilities are provided by the Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 AFSL 234945 (the Bank) and administered by its wholly owned but non-guaranteed subsidiary Commonwealth Securities Limited ABN 60 067 254 399 AFSL 238814 (CommSec), a Participant of the ASX Group and Cboe. Please consider the Product Disclosure Statement available from our website ( before making any decisions about the CommSec Margin Loan.

*Wholesale status is achieved by borrowers who provide either a valid Qualified Accountants Certificate to meet our net wealth test OR evidence of collateral with minimum $2.5m value to meet our price test.


© Commonwealth Securities Limited ABN 60 067 254 399 AFSL 238814 (CommSec) is a wholly owned but non-guaranteed subsidiary of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 AFSL 234945. CommSec is a Market Participant of ASX Limited and Cboe Australia Pty Limited, a Clearing Participant of ASX Clear Pty Limited and a Settlement Participant of ASX Settlement Pty Limited.

The information on this page has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. For this reason, any individual should, before acting on this information, consider the appropriateness of the information, having regards to their objectives, financial situation or needs, and, if necessary, seek appropriate professional advice.

CommSec does not give any representation or warranty as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of any content on this page, including any third party sourced data, nor does it accept liability for any errors or omissions.
