How do interest rate changes affect me?

Interest rates rises are generally good news for people with savings.

For those looking to invest in term deposits an increase in interest rates will generally mean higher rates of return. But, for those holding fixed interest investments such as government and corporate bonds, interest rate increases may mean the value of these bonds will decrease.

Term deposits usually offer higher returns in a rising interest rate environment and lower returns in a falling interest rate environment.

This is the reason investors may hold a diversified investment portfolio including asset classes, less sensitive to immediate interest rate change.


Interest rates and investments

The value of fixed interest investments such as government and corporate bonds will decrease with interest rate increases. This is because the capital value of a bond falls as interest rates rise.

While lower interest rates can mean an increase in the capital value of these bonds, any new money invested in bonds will occur at lower interest rates and the yield or return you receive will be lower in the future.

Also, as Australian interest rates rise, the Australian dollar generally strengthens against other currencies, as overseas investors are attracted to a higher yield, driving up demand for the Australian currency. In the same way, this can reduce the returns from global shares for Australian investors.

When interest rates fall, the Australian dollar usually weakens making Australian commodities and exports more affordable for offshore buyers.

It’s worthwhile to regularly review how the latest interest rates affect your investments to make sure you stay on track with your investment strategy.


Interest rates and personal finance

For many Australians, a rise in interest rates will mean increased repayments on mortgages, loans and credit cards. With less disposable income, many people may need to tighten their belts.

Interest rate rises can be tough for families and small businesses, as increased mortgage and debt repayments can make life more difficult and expensive. While lower interest rates can mean a respite in terms of lower debt repayments and provide an opportunity to get ahead on your mortgage.

When reviewing your finances make sure you look at how interest rates are tracking and if necessary, build in a buffer for further increases that might affect your repayments. It may also be worth looking at consolidating your debts and renegotiating your current interest rates to protect yourself from future increases.

The table below summarises some of the economic consequences of interest rate changes.


Increase in interest rates

Decrease in interest rates

Increases the cost of mortgage interest payments 

Makes mortgage interest repayments more affordable

Reduces personal disposable income 

Increases personal disposable income

Increases incentive to save rather than spend

Encourages spending

Strengthens the value of the Australian dollar 

Weakens the value of the Australian dollar

Reduces consumption and investment

Encourages investment in property

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© Commonwealth Securities Limited ABN 60 067 254 399 AFSL 238814 (CommSec) is a wholly owned but non-guaranteed subsidiary of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 AFSL 234945. CommSec is a Market Participant of ASX Limited and Cboe Australia Pty Limited, a Clearing Participant of ASX Clear Pty Limited and a Settlement Participant of ASX Settlement Pty Limited.

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