14 May 2020
14 May 2020
It’s in periods of volatility (where share prices move up and down rapidly or unpredictably) like we’re seeing now that we see many more investors wanting to dip their toe into the sharemarket or trade more actively.
Since the pandemic was declared a couple of months ago, we’ve seen a big increase in new customers (welcome!) and a lot of customers who haven’t traded during the last six months start trading again. In addition, our customers are trading more frequently.
The thing is if markets are up, we tend to get excited and want to take more risks. If markets are down, we generally get scared and want to sell everything. In times like this, because of the volatility we are seeing both scenarios, and these emotions can get in the way of our decision-making.
We’ve seen it many times before, and, while markets generally recover over the long run, short-term trading and poor market timing can have a negative impact on your portfolio – and nobody wants that!
As Steve Daghlian, our Market Analyst, commented recently in the video ‘Market volatility and what it could mean for you’ the only thing we can control is our decisions. Trying to access the situation and making decisions with a cool head is key.
Some tips we have during this time are:
To assist with making investing decisions that are right for you, we have a number of resources available, including:
If you are not sure where to start, would prefer less choice in your universe and would like to diversify, you can check out CommSec Pocket, a simple investing app we’ve created. You can start investing with as little as $50, and gradually build a portfolio over time. Choose from seven themed investment options and invest in something that suits you, like tech, sustainability leaders, or the biggest 200 companies on the Aussie market. We’ll help you along the way with bite-sized tips, videos, and articles to teach you all about the share market.
Don’t forget that we’re here to support you and your investing journey, wherever that may take you.
24 September 2018
How do investors make money from shares? Can they have any influence over the companies they’ve invested in? Find out what it means to be a shareholder, and what rights you may be entitled to.
20 August 2018
Trying to choose a company to invest in can be overwhelming, especially when you’re new to shares. Here are seven tips on where you can start your research.
20 August 2018
How do you choose shares when there are over 2,200 companies trading on the ASX? Try starting your research with a sharemarket category like market sector, industry, or market capitalisation.
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