Get to know the basics

Curated articles to get you started on the right foot.


A beginner's guide to investing

10 May 2024

Whether it's financial independence or a brand-new ride, investing your money can help bring you one step closer to realising your dreams. Here's how.


ETFs explained

3 Oct 2023

Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) are pooled investments that can be traded just like shares, giving investors access to a range of assets.


How to manage your risk when investing

16 April 2024

Most things in life come with an element of risk, and so does investing. Luckily, the power to understand and manage that risk starts with you.

Diving into dividends

26 May 2023

Dividends are important returns made to sharemarket investors. This report examines some of the concepts involved.

How international shares could spell BIG returns

14 October 2024

Our stock market only makes up about 2% of the global market. So if you’re keeping it local, you might be missing out on a whole world of opportunities.

Dividends: Reinvest or take the cash?

23 May 2024

When a company makes a profit, it has several options on how to use that money. Here's what you need to know about dividends.

Investing in a volatile market

9 October 2024

Share markets can be volatile, so investing your hard-earned money can seem a little unnerving. Have you considered volatility can be a good thing?

CommSec Bites

Introducing CommSec Bites, where we break down big ideas into snackable pieces.

Must reads

Cut through the noise with these must reads - tailored for you.

Must read

Your easy guide to Australian capital gains tax

16 July 2024

Important points you may need to know to for your tax return

Must read

Explainer: dividend income and franking credits

16 July 2024

Never heard of franked dividends? Not sure how they work? This explainer will help you understand how franking credits affect the amount of tax you pay.

Must read

Top 3 US gainers of 2024 to date

11 November 2024

If you're curious about what everyone else is buying, you're not alone. We've got 3 of the top gainers of the US market this year. See how they stack up against what's on your radar.

Top 5 places to get your stock market news

9 May 2024

What happened during the dotcom era and is the same thing happening today? We take a closer look.

Finding your own way to invest

9 Aug 2023

Investing your hard-earned cash is as personal a decision as they come. Here’s how to find a way that works for you.

Learn from the five most common investor mistakes

17 Apr 2024

We have identified the top five most common mistakes to stay clear of in your investment journey.

Six ways to research a stock before you buy

22 Mar 2023

You wouldn’t plan a holiday without researching your destination. The same rule applies to investing. Here are six straightforward ways to research a stock before you buy.

Trending on CommSec

See what CommSec customers are loving, plus the latest trends from across the markets.


What are the long-term investment trends?

9 May 2024

Long-term investing trends, and the biggest impacting sharemarkets today.

Case study

Where Hayley chooses to invest

For Sydney Chocolatier Hayley, investing is a constant learning experience. Still, she’s in it for the long haul – and she’s confident time is on her side.

Case study

Where Ellis invests

Electrical engineer Ellis likes to look beneath the surface both at work and when he invests – a strategy he’s found successful to date. Learn why.

Case study

Where Emer invests

20-year-old Sydney student Emer credits the early start on her investment journey to her high school economics teacher. Here’s what she’s up to.

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