2021/2022 Market Snapshot

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Financial year wrap

After rising by around 25 per cent in 2020/2021, the Australian All Ordinaries index lost 11.1 per cent in 2021/22 while the S&P/ASX 200 fell by 10.2 per cent. The Utilities sector lifted by 29.3 per cent, ahead of Energy (+24.5 per cent) and Industrials (+0.8 per cent). 

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ASX 200 performance

The Australian sharemarket has fallen by 10% over the past financial year, as central banks scampered to unwind stimulus that had been put in place at the height of the Covid emergency. The Utilities and Energy sectors were the clear stand outs.

Commodities outlook

CBA Director Mining and Energy Economist, Vivek Dhar discusses his upgraded price outlook for oil, coal and gas over the shorter to medium term, as Europe works to replace or reduce its reliance on Russian supply. He also speaks about how rising rates are impacting commodities.

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