20 August 2018
20 August 2018
Choosing what shares to buy is a personal process, and you’ll find a huge range of opinions about it.
Some investors use ratings from research providers like Morningstar, some do their own analysis, while others might ask their friends for stock tips.
If you’re looking for a balanced approach to choosing shares, you might consider a combination of self-reflection, stock analysis, and company research.
Here are our top seven recommendations on where to start.
The first step before you buy is to determine what sort of share investor you are. What kind of goals do you want to achieve, and what is your appetite for risk? Are you looking for capital growth, or are you more focussed on preserving your capital and earning income from your investments?
Once you’ve decided how much risk you’re comfortable with, you’ll need to spend some time researching what shares will fit your criteria.
Understanding the macro investment environment is essential before choosing shares. Familiarise yourself with the current economic climate, and start researching how different economic conditions impact different types of investments.
Depending on what you invest in, your shareholdings could be affected by movements in other securities like bonds, currencies, and commodities, as well as offshore markets, short term interest rates, and changes in government legislation.
If you’re just starting out with shares, it might be wise to stick to blue chips or solid mid-cap companies. Avoid buying speculative stocks unless you’re comfortable with the higher risks involved.
Try and invest in what you know and feel comfortable with. Do you understand how the company makes money? Are they considered top of their sector or industry? Concentrate on business models that are easy to understand, and do some research on what kind of things might affect them.
One way you can do this is by using an online stock screen or filter. CommSec provides a stock screener for customers to use, as do many other online brokers and research providers. Find out more about CommSec's Stock Screener and how it can help you search for stocks.
If you have done some research and you have a particular insight or market view, you could focus on exploring companies that would give you direct exposure to that view. For example, if your research tells you that the price of gold is undervalued, you could look into companies that are producers of gold.
Ratios can help you assess the value of a company, or compare different companies and sectors. Here are some common ratios investors can look at:
Once you have an idea of what you want to invest in, it’s important to do analysis to check whether your thinking is correct. If your analysis reinforces your opinion, you can invest with greater confidence.
If you’d like to do your own fundamental analysis, there are various methods you can use to assess companies. For example, you could try using a framework or model like Porter’s Five Forces.
This model was originally published in Michael Porter’s book “Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analysing Industries and Competitors” in 1980.
The five forces are:
Other frameworks you could try include:
Companies issue annual reports and financial statements detailing their activities throughout the year. These can be incredibly useful sources of information when you’re considering whether to buy shares.
Remember, it’s important to keep up with current market events and reassess your investment regularly. So read financial news, subscribe to investing updates, and make the most of broker research.
If you’re not sure what shares to buy, don’t rush into anything. Take your time and keep learning about the market. You can use watchlists to keep an eye on stocks you’re interested in, and set price alerts to update you if anything changes. When the right opportunity for you comes along, you’ll be ready.
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