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Strength: Relative Population Growth
Weakness: Housing Finance
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How are Australia’s states and territories performing?
Each quarter, CommSec attempts to find out by analysing eight key indicators: economic growth; retail spending; equipment investment; unemployment; construction work done; population growth; housing finance and dwelling commencements.
Just as the Reserve Bank uses long-term averages to determine the level of “normal” interest rates; we have done the same with the economic indicators. For each state and territory, latest readings for the key indicators were compared with decade averages – that is, against the “normal” performance.
Now in its 13th year, the State of the States report also includes a section comparing annual growth rates for the eight key indicators across the states and territories as well as Australia as a whole. This enables another point of comparison – in terms of economic momentum.
In a relative sense, and for the seventh quarter in a row, Tasmania holds the mantle of the best performing economy. Tasmania leads on four of the eight indicators and is second ranked on another three.
There is little to separate the other economies. ACT is second; Western Australia and NSW are equal third; South Australia and Victoria are equal fifth; Queensland is seventh; and the Northern Territory is eighth.
State & Territory breakdown
1. Tasmania
Strength: Relative Population Growth
Weakness: Housing Finance
Insights into TAS
Tasmania is ranked first on four of the eight indicators.
2. ACT
Strength: Equipment Investment
Weakness: Relative Unemployment
Insights into ACT
The ACT is top ranked on equipment investment and second on retail trade.
3. New South Wales
Strength: Housing Finance
Weakness: Relative Population Growth
Insights into NSW
NSW is ranked first on housing finance and third on dwelling starts.
3. Western Australia
Strength: Relative Economic Growth
Weakness: Construction Work Done
Insights into WA
Western Australia ranks first on relative economic growth and is second-ranked on relative unemployment.
5. Victoria
Strength: Housing Finance
Weakness: Relative Population Growth
Insights into VIC
Victoria ranks second on housing finance and third on construction work done
5. South Australia
Strength: Dwelling Starts
Weakness: Retail Trade
Insights into SA
South Australia ranks second on both dwelling starts and construction work done.
7. Queensland
Strength: Relative Population Growth
Weakness: Equipment Investment
Insights into QLD
Queensland is ranked third on relative population growth, relative unemployment and retail trade.
8. Northern Territory
Strength: Relative Population Growth
Weakness: Relative Economic Growth
Insights into NT
The Northern Territory is top ranked on relative population growth and has the fastest annual growth for two of the indicators
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