Diversify your portfolio

Managed funds are professionally managed investment portfolios. As an investor, you buy units in a fund rather than individual shares. They allow you to diversify across a range of asset classes and access sophisticated investment products not always available to individual investors. And you can choose funds that suit your own investment objectives — capital growth, income or both — and your risk profile.
CommSec offers over 700 funds from leading fund managers, plus free Morningstar Research, rebates on entry fees and free portfolio tools to track your investments.

How it works

Managed funds provide an opportunity to pool your funds with other investors to access a wide range of investments. Generally, you purchase units in a fund while a professional fund manager owns the underlying assets, transacting them in line with your fund's objectives and strategy. CommSec offers access to more than 700 different managed funds.

  • Access free Morningstar research to help you choose a suitable fund

  • Get entry fee rebates of up to 100% 

  • Make regular contributions or reinvest income into your investment or top up super

  • Use your trading account to track performance alongside your share portfolio


Professional management

A dedicated team of qualified professionals use their expertise and access to research to invest on your behalf, based on your fund's objectives so you don't have to worry about day-to-day management.


Even with relatively small investment amounts (usually from $1,000) you can easily diversify your investment across a wide range of asset classes, companies, industries, sectors and countries.

Grow your investment

Make regular contributions or reinvest income generated (depending on the fund) to build your investment and compound your returns over time.

Entry fee rebate

Get rebates of up to 100% of entry or contribution fees when you invest through CommSec Managed Funds. Contribution fees are rebated as additional units.

Free Morningstar research

Access free Morningstar research to review and compare fund profiles and ratings based on performance over the past three years. (Note: past performance is not an indication of future performance).

Track your portfolio

Use CommSec's free online monitoring tool to track the performance of each fund in your portfolio and access integrated reporting on your shares and other investments.


Investment risk

Generally, the higher the expected return, the higher the risk and the possibility of losing some or all of your investment. Consider your investment amount, objectives, risk profile and timeframe.

Market risk

Local and international shares, property, currencies and other asset classes can decline in value for a range of reasons - economic, political, industrial and social.

Product risk

Different managed funds have their own features and risks. Consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement before making any investment decision.

Rates and fees

Fund managers charge fees to cover costs associated with investing and managing your money.  

CommSec does not charge fees. However, CommSec may be paid an annual listing fee or trailing commission by the fund manager. These fees are not charged to investors.

CommSec rebates up to 100% of upfront entry (or contribution) fees as additional units. These fees are normally around 4% of the initial investment when you invest with a fund manager directly. 

Fund managers charge an ongoing annual fee generally referred to as an indirect cost ratio (ICR) or management expense ratio (MER). These vary significantly depending on the fund type and represent most of the fees charged for operating a fund.

Transaction fees (buy/sell/spread) are charged when you make or redeem investments. They are usually charged on both entry and exit to cover transaction costs such as brokerage and stamp duty. These fees are deducted from the unit price of your investment.

Exit fees are sometimes charged when a fund manager needs to recover costs incurred when you withdraw your investment. Exit fees are deducted from your investment as a dollar amount. 

Other fees, such as performance fees, are sometimes charged for funds that seek to outperform benchmarks. Check the Product Disclosure Statement for full details of fees charged by your fund.

Get started

Open a CommSec Share Trading Account to invest in managed funds

Be up and running in as little as 5 minutes. Start by choosing one of the options below:

Already have a CommSec Share Trading Account?

If you have a CommSec Share Trading Account, login and navigate to Products > Managed Funds > Find Funds to search for funds that match your investment goals.

Don't have a CommSec Share Trading Account?

You’ll need to become a CommSec customer before investing in managed funds. Join now to open a standard Share Trading Account and select ‘Use our cash account’.

Frequently asked questions

A distribution is profit earned by a fund and paid to investors, and may include income such as interest, dividends and realised capital gains.

A distribution is expressed as a cents-per-unit amount. For example, if your fund pays a distribution of two cents per unit, and you hold 1000 units, your total distribution payment would be $20 ($0.02 x 1000).

Most funds distribute at the end of each financial quarter, and distributions are normally paid within 14 days of the calculation date. You can elect either to reinvest your distribution, or have it paid to your bank account.

You should expect a confirmation of your investment within 10 business days of the Fund Manager receiving your application and all supporting documentation. You can check the status of your application by contacting the Fund Manager directly.

If you have any further questions, please contact CommSec Managed Funds on 13 15 20 between 8 am and 5 pm (Sydney time), Monday to Friday.


You can track the value of your managed fund investment by logging into the CommSec website. Select 'Add Holding' from Portfolio > Accounts > Fund Holdings and enter your managed fund investment details. Managed fund unit prices are provided by Morningstar and the value of your investment will be included in your portfolio value.

If you have any further questions, please contact CommSec Managed Funds on 13 15 20 between 8am and 5pm (Sydney time), Monday to Friday.


Each fund manager has a unique investment style. When choosing a fund manager, you should choose one that aims to meet your investment objectives and risk profile.

While our selection of Managed Funds is a good starting point, you need to consider the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for each fund in the context of your personal financial situation before making any decision to invest. Keep in mind that our selection is not a complete list of all funds on the market, and the inclusion of a particular fund on our website is not a recommendation of that fund. You should seek independent professional advice if you are not confident about your ability to choose a fund.

If you have any further questions, please contact CommSec Managed Funds on 13 15 20 between 8am and 5pm (Sydney time), Monday to Friday.

To sell or redeem units in a managed fund, contact the fund manager directly.

If you have any further questions, please contact CommSec Managed Funds on 13 15 20 between 8am and 5pm (Sydney time), Monday to Friday.

To top up your investment or make regular contributions, please contact the fund manager. If you initially invested via CommSec please let the fund manager know that as a CommSec  client any additional contribution fees should be rebated in the same way as the initial contribution fee.

If you have any further questions, please contact CommSec Managed Funds on 13 15 20 between 8am and 5pm (Sydney time), Monday to Friday.


No. Managed funds are structured differently to shares. Unlike shares, most managed funds aren't listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. If you wish to increase your holdings, or sell/redeem units in a fund you have invested in, you will need to contact the relevant Fund Manager who should be able to organise this for you directly.


As the investment is with the fund manager rather than CommSec, the funds won't automatically appear in your CommSec portfolio. However, if you are a CommSec account holder you are able to track the performance of your investments with our free portfolio monitoring tool.

You can track the value of your managed fund investment by logging into the CommSec website and selecting Portfolio. Select 'Add Holding' from Portfolio > Accounts > Holdings and enter your managed fund investment details. Managed fund unit prices are provided by Morningstar and the value of your investment will be included in your portfolio value.

If you have any further questions, please contact CommSec Direct Managed Funds on 13 15 20 between 8am and 5pm (Sydney time), Monday to Friday.


Case study

Regular Contributions

A proven technique to help grow your investment faster is to make regular contributions using an investment plan.Many funds have a regular savings or investment facility that makes it easy to build an investment with regular contributions starting from as little as $100 a month. Read more

Financial Services Guide

The Financial Services Guide ("FSG") provides information about Commonwealth Securities to help you decide whether to use the financial services we offer.

Download the Financial Services Guide

Other Forms & Brochures

For all other forms & brochures regarding other financial services we offer.

If you are looking for administrative forms, please login and proceed to Support > Forms & Downloads.

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© Commonwealth Securities Limited ABN 60 067 254 399 AFSL 238814 (CommSec) is a wholly owned but non-guaranteed subsidiary of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 AFSL 234945. CommSec is a Market Participant of ASX Limited and Cboe Australia Pty Limited, a Clearing Participant of ASX Clear Pty Limited and a Settlement Participant of ASX Settlement Pty Limited.

The information on this page has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. For this reason, any individual should, before acting on this information, consider the appropriateness of the information, having regards to their objectives, financial situation or needs, and, if necessary, seek appropriate professional advice.

CommSec does not give any representation or warranty as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of any content on this page, including any third party sourced data, nor does it accept liability for any errors or omissions.
