Yes. CommSec Margin Lending clients can use their loan to fund the following corporate actions:
Eligible shareholders will normally receive the acceptance forms from the company’s share registry. If you have not received your forms, you should contact the share registry to confirm your eligibility.
Required documents: please send a copy of the completed acceptance form, along with a signed cover letter containing your loan number and your request to fund the corporate action through your margin loan. You can send the documents via:
Subject line: Attn. ML Corporate Actions
Attn: ML Corporate Actions
Locked Bag 34
Australia Square NSW 1215
To avoid duplication, please send your request using only one of the above methods.
Note: You must ensure that you have sufficient funds available on the margin loan. Final acceptance is at the discretion of the company undergoing the corporate action. All clients who participate should check with CommSec prior to the closing date of the offer to confirm their acceptance request has been processed.
For further information, please contact the Margin Lending desk on 13 15 19 (or + 61 2 8397 1206 if calling from overseas), Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm, Sydney time.
*For Company Options acceptance requests please check the instructions sent to you by the share registry as some companies require the original option exercise notice posted to them; otherwise email the exercise notice to CommSec and retain the original.