If you can't launch CommSecIRESS, follow the steps below to rectify the issue.
Your pop-up blocker may be preventing CommSecIRESS from launching. Select your browser below and follow the steps to add an exception to your pop-up blocker settings to allow the CommSec website to display pop-ups.
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Google Chrome
Apple Safari (Mac OS X 10.6.5 onwards)
It is not possible to add an exception to the pop-up blocker in Safari, so you need to disable the pop-up blocker instead.
If you have a third party pop-up blocker (such as Google toolbar) installed on your computer, you need to add an exception to allow the CommSec website to display pop-ups.
If your security and privacy settings in Internet Explorer are set too high, this may restrict CommSecIRESS from launching. For instructions on optimal settings for Internet Explorer, click here.