How do I transfer shares issued to me by my employer into CommSec?

If your employer has issued you shares as part of a share ownership plan or employee share purchase plan, and these shares are now fully vested and tradable, you can transfer them to a broker like CommSec to become CHESS-sponsored shares. Employer-issued shares are typically issued to a share registry. Transferring employer-issued shares into your CommSec Share Trading Account allows you to manage and trade these shares using CommSec as a broker.

In this guide:

  • What to check before you start your transfer
  • What you'll need to complete your transfer
  • How to start your transfer
  • What happens next
  • Learn the terms

What to check before you start your transfer

Before you begin your share transfer, check the following details: 

  • The shares are transferred from an employee account with the share registry to a regular SRN which starts with the letter C or I.
    • To do this, contact the share registry that holds and manages your employer-issued shares.
  • The employer-issued shares held by the share registry are registered in the exact same name and salutation as the CommSec Share Trading Account you are transferring these shares into. For example, transferring from MR JOHN SMITH to MR JOHN SMITH.
  • The employer-issued shares held by the share registry are registered to the exact same postal address as the CommSec Share Trading Account you're transferring these shares into. For example, 1 NAME ST to 1 NAME ST. Please note the format of your postal address, for example, 1 NAME ST to 1 NAME STREET will not be accepted and will prevent the successful completion of your transfer request.
  • The number of units being transferred.

Are you holding CBA employer-issued shares? Contact Link Market Services by phone or complete an online request to transfer your shares to a regular SRN.

What you'll need to complete your transfer

  • Your SRN.
  • The details of your employee share plan.
  • The name of the share registry that holds and manages your employer-issued shares.
  • A mobile phone to receive an ID verification SMS.
  • Your name, salutation and postal address on your share registry account and your CommSec account must match.

Your name (including middle names and salutations) and your postal address (including the format, e.g., ST versus STREET) must match on both accounts. If any of these details are incorrect, please update them with the share registry or with your CommSec account before you begin your transfer. 

How to transfer your shares

Once your employer-issued shares are transferred into a regular SRN, log into CommSec, head to Settings, navigate to Service Request, then select Transfer Shares, or <start your share transfer here>. Once you begin the transfer, you’ll be asked a series of questions about your shares:

Step 1: Where are your shares held?
  • To bring your shares into CommSec from the share registry, select In share registry, then Next
Step 2: Which account do you want to transfer your shares into?
  • Select the CommSec account you want to transfer these shares into, then select Next
  • Review your account details such as your name and postal address to ensure they are correct and match the details linked to your share registry account
    • If your details are not correct or don't match exactly, select No, then Download OMT Form. Follow the instructions on this form carefully to complete your share transfer
    • If your details are correct and match, select Yes, then click Next
Step 3: Add the shares you wish to transfer
  • Select + Add shares
  • Input the stock code or company name of the shares you wish to transfer from the share registry, your SRN, and the number of units you are transferring into CommSec
  • Select Add to list
  • Repeat until you've added all the shares you wish to transfer into CommSec, then click Next
Step 4: Review and submit your request
  • Confirm that all your account and share details are correct
  • Read and acknowledge CommSec's terms and conditions by ticking the checkbox
  • When you're ready, click Submit

What happens next

  • Once you've submitted your share transfer request, you'll receive an email confirmation.
  • Share transfer requests usually take up to two business days to process.
  • CommSec and your share registry will verify your details, such as your account and stock details.
  • You can check on the status of your request in the Service Centre.
  • Once your transfer request has been processed, you'll receive an SMS and email confirmation, and you'll be able to view these shares in your CommSec Portfolio.

Learn the terms


The term ‘fully vested’ means a person has rights to the full amount of some benefit, in this instance, employee share plans, after a pre-determined period of time. These shares only become the employee's property according to a vesting schedule when full ownership has transferred to the individual.

CHESS-sponsored shares

Shares you own that are established and maintained on your behalf by a broker like CommSec. CHESS-sponsored holdings are registered to the unique Holder Identification Number (HIN).


A broker is an ASX Settlement Participant (like CommSec) who is authorised to manage and transfer shares and other securities.


An SRN is a Securityholder Reference Number used to identify the owner of shares that are administered and maintained by a share registry (i.e. issuer-sponsored shares). An SRN is 10-12 digits and starts with the letter C or I.


Units refer to the number of shares you wish to transfer.


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