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Fixed Interest

How do I manage capital gains on my investments?

What you'll learn:
  • What is a CGT event?
  • How to use a capital loss
  • 50% CGT discount method
Written for:Intermediate | Experienced

What are corporate actions?

What you'll learn:
  • What is a corporate action?
  • Voluntary and mandatory
  • Shareholder options
Written for:Beginner | Intermediate

What is capital gains tax?

What you'll learn:
  • CGT on investments
  • Working out capital gain
  • What is the cost base?
Written for:Beginner | Experienced

Shareholder rights and benefits

What you'll learn:
  • What are the rights and benefits
  • What happens at AGM's
  • Options with rights and benefits
Written for:Beginner | Intermediate

How do I get my money back from bonds?

What you'll learn:
  • Repayment on maturity
  • Selling your bonds
  • Exceptions to the rule
Written for:Beginner | Intermediate

How are dividends taxed?

What you'll learn:
  • What income is taxed
  • How the tax scales work
  • How share dividends are taxed
Written for:Beginner | Intermediate

When should I rebalance my portfolio?

What you'll learn:
  • What is rebalancing?
  • Why should you rebalance
  • How often?
Written for:Intermediate | Experienced

What are corporate actions?

What you'll learn:
  • What is a corporate action?
  • Voluntary and mandatory
  • Shareholder options
Written for:Beginner | Intermediate | Experienced

What should I consider before selling my bonds?

What you'll learn:
  • Price movements
  • Deciding factors
  • Rebalancing investments
Written for:Beginner | Intermediate

Shareholder duties explained

What you'll learn:
  • Dividend tax effectiveness
  • Annual reports
  • US Income administration
Written for:Beginner | Intermediate

What to consider before you sell shares

What you'll learn:
  • When is the right time to sell?
  • Tax and cost implications
  • Market opportunities
Written for:Beginner | Intermediate

How do I manage my dividends?

What you'll learn:
  • Different types of dividends
  • Lodgement of tax
  • Dividend reinvestment plans
Written for:Intermediate

How do franking credits work?

What you'll learn:
  • Definition of franking credits
  • Excess imputation credits
  • Franking credits case study
Written for:Intermediate

What is a dividend reinvestment plan?

What you'll learn:
  • How DRPs work
  • The key benefits
  • How to take part
Written for:Intermediate

What is contra settlement?

What you'll learn:
  • What happens when you place multiple trades
  • When contra comes into effect
  • Specific trading scenarios
Written for:Experienced


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