For a full list of fees and charges, please refer to our Financial Services Guide

Australian Shares

Trade execution

Brokerage fee amount by transaction value1,2,3,4

Trade online (via website, mobile apps or other platforms) and settle your trade to a CDIA5 or CommSec Margin Loan5

$5.00 (Up to and including $1,000)

$10.00 (Over $1,000 up to $3,000 (inclusive))

$19.95 (Over $3,000 up to $10,000 (inclusive))

$29.95 (Over $10,000 up to $25,000 (inclusive))

0.12% (Over $25,000)

Trade online (via website, mobile apps or other platforms) and settle into a bank account of your choice

$29.95 (Up to and including $9,999.99)

0.31% ($10,000 and above)

Trades over the phone and deceased estates6

$59.95 (Up to and including $10,000)

0.52% (Over $10,000 up to $25,000 (inclusive))

0.49% (Over $25,000 up to $1,000,000 (inclusive))

0.11% (Over $1,000,000)

Trades requiring settlement through a third party6

$99.95 (Up to and including $15,000)

0.66% (Over $15,000)

Different brokerage rates apply to CommSec Pocket trades executed through CommSec Pocket App or CommBank App.

Alternative brokerage rates may be agreed from time to time and (if agreed to) will be payable under clause 22 of CommSec's Share Trading Terms and Conditions. If you are offered, and agree to a tiered brokerage rate, this may result in brokerage charges that differ from rates expressly disclosed within the CommSec FSG.

Unless otherwise indicated, where a fee or charge is expressed as a percentage, it refers to a percentage of the transaction value. For GST rounding reasons, the final brokerage fee may result in a slight variance from the stated or expected charge, which may exceed two cents for large trades.

Brokerage charged (shares, warrants, listed managed investments and derivatives): Brokerage at these rates applies each time you trade a stock, warrant, listed managed investment or derivative.

To be eligible, you must trade online, be CHESS Participant Sponsored with CommSec and settle your trades through either a Commonwealth Direct Investment Account (CDIA) or a CommSec Margin Loan.

Includes CommSec Margin Lending and Geared Investments Lending Trades and where the Commonwealth Bank exercises its rights under the loan terms and conditions.

CommSec Pocket

Trade execution

Brokerage fee amount by transaction value1,2

Trade through Pocket App or CommBank App

$2.00 (up to and including $1,000)

0.20% (Over $1,000)

Late settlement fee


1 If additional services are required through the CommSec website or over the phone then fees will be as outlined in the CommSec FSG.

2 Unless otherwise indicated, where a fee or charge is expressed as a percentage, it refers to a percentage of the transaction value. For GST rounding reasons, the final brokerage fee may result in a slight variance from the stated or expected charge, which may exceed two cents for large trades.

International Shares

Foreign Exchange

Other International Account Fees

Exchange fees and other regulatory fees also apply. Exchange fees may be different for each exchange you trade on.

Margin Lending

Margin Lending Interest Rates effective from 16 June 2023

Paid Yearly in Advance

Paid Monthly in Arrears

Variable Rate


9.40% p.a.

1 Year Fixed Rate

8.49% p.a.

8.54% p.a.

2 Year Fixed Rate

8.64% p.a.

8.69% p.a.

3 Year Fixed Rate

8.74% p.a.

8.79% p.a.

5 Year Fixed Rate

8.99% p.a.

9.04% p.a.

Interest Rates are subject to change without notice. All rates are indicative only. For a complete list of potential fees and charges that may apply to your account, please visit the Rates and Fees section of the CommSec website here. Fees and charges are subject to change without notice. 

Brokerage Rates

Application Fee

Type of Application Fee

Fee Amount

Application fee for individual and company applicants


Trust deed investigation fee

minimum $200

Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR) Registration Fee (Government fee payable when the Security Interest is registered, or registration is amended)

Amount of government fee (if applicable)

Account Maintenance Fee

Account Maintenance Fee Type

Fee Amount

Account Keeping Fee


Printing and postage of contract notes (Electronic contract notes are free of charge)


Dishonour Fee


Rebooking Fee


Off Market Transfer Fee


Government tax or duty

Government tax or duty

Account Closure Fee

Account Closure Fee Type

Fee Amount

Early repayment adjustment and administrative fee on fixed rate loans

Depends on amount of loan and interest rate movements


Interest Rates - Accounts opened / migrated on or after 1 November 2012

All rates displayed in the table below are per annum.

Effective from 11 November 2022.


Linked to CommSec Trading Account^


$500,000 or more

3.00% p.a.

3.00% p.a.

$250,000 - $499,999

2.70% p.a.

3.00% p.a.

$100,000 - $249,999

2.40% p.a.

3.00% p.a.

$50,000 - $99,999

1.80% p.a.

3.00% p.a.

$20,000 - $49,999

1.30% p.a.

3.00% p.a.

$10,000 - $19,999

1.05% p.a.

3.00% p.a.

$5000 - $9,999

0.20% p.a.

0.20% p.a.

$0 - $4,999

0.20% p.a.

0.20% p.a

For interest rates applicable to the Standard Access CDIA, please refer to Interest Rates on Transaction, Savings and Investment Accounts

^Only available where: i) CDIA is originated through CommSec and linked to a CommSec Share Trading Account, or have requested to switch to this price option; and, ii) the Linked CommSec Share Trading Account is not suspended.

*Only available for self-managed superfunds (SMSF) at account opening or if you have requested to switch to this price option for an eligible account type.

Interest Rates - Accounts opened on or before 31 October 2012#

All rates displayed in the table below are per annum.

Effective from 11 November 2022.


Accounts opened on or before 31 October 2012#

$500,000 or more

1.65% p.a.

$250,000 - $499,999

1.65% p.a.

$100,000 - $249,999

1.15% p.a.

$50,000 - $99,999

1.15% p.a.

$20,000 - $49,999

0.20% p.a.

$10,000 - $19,999

0.20% p.a.

$5,000 - $9,999

0.20% p.a.

$0 - $4,999

0.00% p.a.

# Interest rates for existing account holders only - no longer available for sale

Withdrawal Fees

For accounts opened / migrated on or after 1 November 2012:

- CDIA accounts linked to CommSec Trading Account option allows for unlimited fee-free electronic withdrawals plus 2 fee-free assisted withdrawals each month
- SMSF CDIA option allows for unlimited fee free electronic withdrawals and assisted withdrawals each month

For accounts opened on or before 31 October 2012: please refer to your Offer Confirmation Letter (available on NetBank) or for Standard Access (CDIA) accounts, please refer to Rates and Fees.

Other Fees and Charges

For a complete list of potential fees and charges that may apply, please read the Transaction, Savings and Investment Terms and Conditions

Fees and rates are subject to change.


Exchange Traded Options

Trade execution

Brokerage fee amount1,2 by transaction value per trade3

Exchange-Traded Options tradedonline4,5

$34.95 (up to and including $10,000)
0.35% (above $10,000)

Exchange-Traded Options traded over the phone4,5

$54.60 (up to and including $10,000)
0.54% (above $10,000)

Exchange-Traded Options subsequent share transaction upon exercise or assignment of the option)6

$34.95 (up to and including $10,000)
0.35% (above $10,000)

1 Alternative brokerage rates may be agreed from time to time and (if agreed to) will be payable under the General Conditions of Trade within the ETO PDS and Terms and Conditions. If you are offered, and agree to a tiered brokerage rate, this may result in brokerage charges that differ from rates expressly disclosed within the CommSec FSG.

2 Unless otherwise indicated, where a fee or charge is expressed as a percentage, it refers to a percentage of the transaction value. For GST rounding reasons, the final brokerage fee may result in a slight variance from the stated or expected charge, which may exceed two cents for large trades.

3 Brokerage charged (shares, warrants, listed managed investments and derivatives): Brokerage at these rates applies each time you trade a stock, warrant, listed managed investment or derivative.

4 ETO contract fees also apply. See "ETO Contract Fees" below or the "Other fees and charges" section of the CommSec FSG.

5 For ETO multi-leg orders, brokerage is charged on each individual options leg. The execution of an equity leg (an Australian listed share transaction), traded as part of an options multi-leg order will incur "Australian listed shares" fees and charges as disclosed in the CommSec FSG.

6 Listed equities transactions that result from an exercise or assignment of ETO contracts are charged at the same rate of brokerage as the original ETO transaction. For this reason the brokerage charged on the listed equities transaction arising from an exercise or assignment of an ETO contract may differ from and overrides the default rates set out in the CommSec FSG.

ETO Contract fees (per contract)

Amount per contract7

Equity Option Contract (Open/Close)

$0.13 (GST exclusive)

Equity Option Contract (Exercise/Assignment)

$0.05 (GST exclusive)

Index Option Contract (Open/Close)

$0.45 (GST exclusive)

Index Option Contract (Exercise/Assignment)

$0.35 (GST exclusive)

ETO Contract fees have been set out on a GST exclusive basis as the total GST may be rounded in accordance with the GST law.

Other fees and charges inclusive of GST)


Option fail fee

$100 per day

Late settlement fee8


Equity fail fee (assignment and exercise)

$100 per day

Rebooking fee

$25 per rebooking

Please note that CommSec requires all clients to ensure cleared funds are available to meet settlement obligations. Multiple direct debit rejections may lead to trading restrictions being imposed on your account. A direct debit rejection will be treated as a late settlement.

Other Fees



Printing and postage of contract notes


Reprinting and postage of CHESS statement

$16.50 per stock

Late settlement fee – Buy or Short Sell


SRN query, rebooking fee


Off market transfer fee

$54.00 per transfer

*All of the above fees include GST

Fees and rates are subject to change


© Commonwealth Securities Limited ABN 60 067 254 399 AFSL 238814 (CommSec) is a wholly owned but non-guaranteed subsidiary of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 AFSL 234945. CommSec is a Market Participant of ASX Limited and Cboe Australia Pty Limited, a Clearing Participant of ASX Clear Pty Limited and a Settlement Participant of ASX Settlement Pty Limited.

The information on this page has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. For this reason, any individual should, before acting on this information, consider the appropriateness of the information, having regards to their objectives, financial situation or needs, and, if necessary, seek appropriate professional advice.

CommSec does not give any representation or warranty as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of any content on this page, including any third party sourced data, nor does it accept liability for any errors or omissions.
