Latest Insights

What is a capital note and how may it fit into your investment portfolio? Strategy & Education

Do capital notes have a place in your portfolio?

CommSec CommSec

The first half of 2022 has seen a large number of new capital note issuances by financial institutions. What is a capital note and how may it fit into your investment portfolio?

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Square shareholders approve Afterpay acquisition: What’s next? Strategy & Education

Square shareholders approve Afterpay acquisition: What’s next?

CommSec CommSec

Australia’s largest public M&A deal is approaching the final stages after shareholders of Square approved the Afterpay acquisition in a landslide. So, what’s next?

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Buybacks explained Strategy & Education

Buybacks explained

CommSec CommSec

Special dividends and buybacks were a feature of the August earnings season, with around $15 billion in buybacks announced alongside special dividends. So, what are buybacks and how do they work?

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Afterpay agrees to $39 billion takeover by Square Strategy & Education

Afterpay agrees to $39 billion takeover by Square

CommSec CommSec

US-based digital payments and finance company, Square, Inc. has agreed to a $39 billion takeover of Australia’s largest listed tech company, Afterpay. What does this mean for Afterpay shareholders?

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July 2021 wrap-up of key economic updates Strategy & Education

July 2021 wrap-up of key economic updates

CommSec CommSec

Reporting Season is here – who are the likely winners and losers across industry sectors? Unemployment has fallen to a 10½-year low in June, and the housing construction sector is also improving.

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Hybrids in vogue as ANZ re-enters the market with new issue Strategy & Education

Hybrids in vogue as ANZ re-enters the market with new issue

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Hybrid securities could see an uptick in popularity as investors continue to search for income & Australian financial institutions consider new issuances. However, there's some risks to take into account.

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Why is the IPO market hot Strategy & Education

Why is the IPO market hot, and how can you take advantage?

CommSec CommSec

Aussie companies are listing at their fastest pace in almost 14 years. What’s driving this and what are the risks of IPOs? How can you take part in a potentially lucrative aspect of the sharemarket?

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Investing in U.S. shares from Australia Strategy & Education

Investing in U.S. shares from Australia? Keep in mind your tax obligations

CommSec CommSec

Investing in US shares can provide increased exposure to deeper markets. We’ll give you an idea of the tax issues to consider if you are an Australian tax resident & considering trading US stocks.

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How the Australian market differs Strategy & Education

How the Australian market differs to overseas

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There’s recent hype around international markets and whilst this may be attractive for some investors, it’s important to understand the risks involved and differences between domestic & overseas markets.

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International trading Strategy & Education

The rise of international investing

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International investing is on the rise for Australian investors, particularly due to the market volatility caused by the recent global pandemic. Is it time to dip your toes into the global market?

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5 trading mistakes to avoid in a volatile market Strategy & Education

5 trading mistakes to avoid in a volatile market

CommSec CommSec

Trading in an unpredictable market presents various challenges for investors. In this article, we discuss five of the most common mistakes we see when investors trade in volatile markets.

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Portfolio construction in uncertain times Strategy & Education

Portfolio construction in uncertain times

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The last few months have seen many investors question themselves and ask whether rebalancing their investment portfolios was something they should have considered or still need to consider.

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Stock charts explained Strategy & Education

Stock charts explained

CommSec CommSec

Who invented stock charts, and what can we use them for? Get an introduction to the most common types of stock charts and learn how they can help investors.

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Investing when the market is volatile Strategy & Education

Good For Day or Good Till Expiry? It’s Important

CommSec CommSec

Learn about the two options for how long your order is in market, each with different actions and risks.

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Investing when the market is volatile Strategy & Education

How to navigate the ups and downs

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The thing is if markets are up, we tend to get excited and want to take more risks. If markets are down, we generally get scared and want to sell everything.

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