Are there any restrictions for setting up a margin lending account?
You can only apply for a CommSec Margin Loan if you meet the following criteria:
- Individual and joint account applicants must be a permanent resident of Australia.
- Companies and Trusts must be established in Australia (SMSF’s are not eligible).
- Demonstrate ability to meet existing commitments, including living and borrowing expenses.
- Must earn minimum gross income of $30,000 p.a.
- Must apply for a minimum credit limit of $20,000.
Account types which can be set up under a Margin Loan include:
- Individual account
- Trust account with Individual or Joint Trustee(s)
- Company account
- Trust where the Trustee is a Company.
For any further information, please contact the Margin Lending desk on 13 17 09 or +61 2 9115 1402 if calling outside Australia (Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm Sydney time).
See CommSec Margin Loan Risk Disclosure, Important Information and Disclaimer. Consider the product disclosure statement available from the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, as the product issuer, at before making any decision about the product and whether it is appropriate for you.